Department of Computer Science,University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign--伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校计算机科学系



  Home to 59 faculty members researching all aspects of computer science, from systems and networking to artificial intelligence, and from graphics and human-computer interaction to database systems and information retrieval, CS @ ILLINOIS stands at the forefront of computing innovation in the 21st century.

  The Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science serves as a living laboratory to explore and evaluate emerging computing technologies. This major education and research facility is one of the most advanced buildings on any campus.

  Our excellence is embodied in our students. Boasting the largest student chapter of ACM in the world, the department is home to a large and innovative student body. Considered among the top in their field, our students bring an unmatched knowledge of the fundamentals, a passion for innovation, and a strong work ethic to the marketplace.